Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage

Blood & Skulls!

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage. Last member of the big Bloodthirsters family presented here.
I hope you will like its colours,  big Axe and almost scenic base :)

The new Blades of Khorne battletome brings a lot of changes in Khorne army rules and also in the Rage Bloodthirster warscroll. Now it has 5 attacks on its Axe (before, on full health it was 4) with increased number (from 3 to 4) Mortal Wounds inflicted by its Axe ability "Outrageous Carnage". Both changes are great :)

At present, suitably buffed, with 2 more attacks from Bloodsecrator and Wrathmongers (+1 attack from each), Slaughterpriest blessing (+1 to Hit) and Ghyrstrike artefact (+1 to Hit and +1 to Wound) the Rage Bloodthirster can be real meat-mincer in Khorne army:

7 attacks, 2" range, 2+ to Hit, 1+ to Wound, -2 Rend with  D6 damages per attack!

And each unmodified 6 on to Wound rolls inflicts additional Mortal Wounds for EACH enemy unit within 8". Oh yea, that sounds like bloody Khorne!

But it is not the end! The new battletome bring to us Slaughterhosts and new battalions.

The Command Ability "Leave None Alive" from Reapers of Vengeance Slaughterhost allows us to make an additional pile-in and attack for selected Daemon unit from this host. This means that it can be used by Rage BT on Rage BT :). Two full attack sequences in a row for Rage BT are great option and can help a lot in many situations. Just be sure to save a Command Point for this occasion.

Another Slaughterhost, The Bloodlords, provides us "Halo of Blood" artefact which allows the bearer to fights at the start of the combat phase. Yes, at the start of your combat phase and at the start of your opponent combat phase! So, even if an enemy unit charge you (but do not has an ability to fight at the start of combat phase) the bearer of this artefact attacks as a first in the opponent combat phase 👿  Very useful ability for Rage thirster which allows it to attack before the enemy can kill it or damage lowering it's battle abilities.

And few more pictures of this Rage monster:
