Skarbrand! The most angry Bloodthirster of Khorne!

Skulls & Blood!

Today I would like to present the most angry and dangerous in the Bloodthirsters family :D.
Skarbrand is also the most characteristic model of a Bloodthirster. Two axes, holey wings, the pose... it looks just great!

I hope you will enjoy the untypical colours - in my version it is a bit greyish after losing the fight with his god ;) 

EDIT: And here is the winner model/photo on GW's FB quick contest for Khorne models: 

Skarbrand is (probably) the only model in the Age of Sigmar that gets stronger with the amount of wounds he has received. And with its new (!) Carnage ability it is even more dangerous and fun:

I can't wait to use him with the rules from new Battletome :)

Have a nice Carnage!
